Thursday, April 05, 2007

Way overdue THANK YOU to my Knitty SP8

Yarnnut - she's my very own special pal from the knittyhead coffeeshop....and it is her job to spoil me. Dang she is doing a GREAT job. Look what was in my second package.

Yup that is 2 skeins of Zepher laceweight [I have already cast on for a lace shawl -- put on hold for a bit, cause right now I need mindless knitting -- but I hope to get back to it this weekend] And see that white bear. It is just the cutest tape measure and she didn't even know that I am t.bear in a former life [nickname from college days - and that t didn't stand for teddy either]. Very nice stitch markers, which I used right away on the cast-on shawl. Now I just need the RIGHT home for the "Knitting is Knotty" bumper sticker.

So once more Yarnnut -THANKS. you are the bestest


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