Monday, October 15, 2007


Knitty Secret Pal Swap 9 has been over for quite a while now and I am just now getting around to posting pictures of what I received. Bad Me

My Secret Pal is PixieRiot She is cool, in fact I think she is one of the cool kids [you know the kind I never quite was ----and that is NOT meant as a jab at Pixie---I'm just abit envious]. At any rate she dyes yarns and creates what she calls Yarn Oddities, what I call beautiful work!!!!

The above picture is my second gift - the first one was a subscription to Interweave Knitting [something I have wanted for quite a while]. She sent me some funky socks -- I LOVE funky socks!!!!, some roving she dyed -- check out this colorway. [I'm really going to have to get with the spinning; I do have a wonderful drop spindle that I got from knittingKitty]; some chocolate, which of course is LONG gone; some wonderful hand lotion that makes my hands soooooo nice and soft and it is unscented -- a BIG plus to me.

Then she sent me my third package. WOW, I mean WOW Check out the colors in the yarns she sent! and see that fabric patterned thing in the background [yes I know it is hard to see - I am a BAD photographer] - that my friends is a sock project bag she had made just for ME.

You see [or you can't quite see but trust me it is real] the fabric is old cookbooks and the like. I am a collector of OLD Cookbooks!! And she sent dpn and stitch markers and oh my.