Thursday, April 20, 2006

Sunrise Circle Jacket - knit, hemmed and seamed for the buttons

Another Sunrise finished EXCEPT the buttons. I have buttons picked out and enough yarn left over for the loops [probably just barely] all I need is TIME.

I love the way the jacket turned out. I used Peruvian Collection Sierra Aran, row gauge was a bit off [24 rows instead of 28]and it made a lighter jacket. That will probably be just fine as I am in So. Cal. and it never really gets cold. Turns out that there is enough body to hold the curve shape.

I do have one problem....the sleeves are about 2" too long. I am reviewing my options, I'm thinking about if it is possible to un-knit from the cast-on edge up to the correct length. Maybe, but I have further complicated matters by doing a beautiful job on knitting the hem in. Anyone have any good suggestions?????

No pictures yet, got to get the buttons on - then it is modeling time.

Monday, April 17, 2006

Got all the parts!

Knitting went well on the Las Vegas trip. I got all the parts finished by Tues night and all the hems finished on Thurs I didn't feel ready to block it [I am still intimidated by blocking]. I let it go until Sunday afternoon...then figured gahh just do it you probably can't mess it up too much So there they are.

Drying on the spare bed, cause that is the only place large enough in our house. Good thing we don't have any company expected.
The knitted up objects look a little see thru so I am hoping that they have enough body to hold the shape well. Hopefully they will be dry in a day or two then it will be time to seam and see.

p.s. I finished with about 5 feet of yarn left....that's cutting it a little close

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Good News on the Yarn Front

Good News!!!!! I was going thru my carry-along knit bag the other night [getting my sissors out] and LO & BEHOLD another skein of yarn. know I had been really stressing out on the possibility that I might run out of yarn before completing my sweater. I had visions of having to order one more skein [and paying the shipping cost for just one...I guess it could have been a good excuse to make a bigger order] and hope that they still had the right dye lot. Ahh, I don't need to do that now.

Both fronts are completed [still resisting the hemming part] and I have started on the back. We are driving to Las Vegas tomorrow [5 1/2 hrs more or less] and I hope to make some serious progress!

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Why is my life sooooooo busy?

What is my problem? I look at my schedule and there "ain't" no free time!!! Every weekend has something planned and most week nights I have some sort of meeting. Oh yeah, I work full time and have about an hour commute each way. WHY do I let myself get in these spots????

We [hublet & I] moved to a rural community about 12 years ago. We thought that it would lead to a quiet calm life.......WRONG. I seem to have a habit of volunteering for every need that comes along. I'm on our Volunteer Fire Fighter's Board [Treasurer]; Immediate Past President of the local Kiwanis and just chaired a pancake breakfast this past weekend; Board Member of "Branch 22" of the Early Day Gas Engine & Tractor Assoc.; recently ending term as Planning Board Member; will be working the 3-Day/60 Mile Breast Cancer Walk for the 4th year in a row. Gee there must be something else I NEED to do? God I'm crazy!!!

Hublet and I have been saying [he is as bad as me only he is retired] for the last year or so that we NEED to cut back. It's not happening. We just can't seem to say NO.... you know needs in the community, needs in our neighborhood, needs in our different one else steps needs to be done.......arrrgh!

So what is my problem? There just isn't enough time to KNIT. It's not fair.....whine, whine, whine, cry cry. Do you feel sorry for me...sniff sniff. O.K. maybe. not. You probably will just tell me IT IS MY OWN D*MN FAULT. Yeah right.

On the good front I did make more progress on my Sunrise Circle Jacket, I am almost done with the right front. I am getting real nervous however cause I am down to less than 3 skeins of yarn and I still have to knit up the back...o.k. the back is just the back, no sleeve parts etc - so I am praying that I will have enough yarn. I should finish the front tonight and cast on for the back. We are planning a road trip to Las Vegas [Friend's daughter's wedding] this weekend so I should have plenty of knitting time.... now I just hope I have plenty of yarn. I'll update you when I know. Good News or bad???