Tuesday, February 13, 2007

SP8 Yippeee

Look what I got [I actually received this last week, but due to my hectic schedule this is the first opportunity I have had to blog it]

Check out the cool stuff from Yarnnut [my Knitty SP8 special pal]. A beautiful drop spindle, notebook to record my spinning experiences, a wonderfully delicious chocolate bar, really cool erasers that look like little chocolates and....... roving. Roving for me to learn how to use the beautiful spindle [I am a complete novice on spinning.
Notice the blue/purple roving YES, gorgeous isn't it....she dyed it just for me. I am going to do my learning/practice with the white. I sure want to know, at least a little, what I am doing before I try my special roving.

I played a bit with the white the night I received this. Obviously I need a LOT of practice. I am also going to look to see if there are any classes I can take. I think this maybe something that can't really be learned just from reading and the Internet. I will play more [that is if I EVER get a free moment]. I can't wait to get comfortable with the spindle, cause I really want to spin up my special roving. I just know it will be the most beautiful yarn.
YARNNUT you are the bestest!!!!!!!

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Well it is about TIME

Months, I mean months have passed since I last blogged anything. My most common used excuse....I want to put pictures with whatever I am going to post ...and I haven't taken the pictures or I don't have them accessable on this computer. Pretty lame excuse huh.

Well I do have one picture that I really like. Believe it or not we actually had quite a freeze here in So. Ca. Over the New Year's holiday we took a quick drive thru the mountains and I got this shot. Ice crystals on a simple roadside weed. Cool huh. Well we were sure impressed. The light was just right as we drove, sun shining on everything making it look like a crazed elf had covered the mountain in glitter and tinsel. I never really understood tinsel on christmas trees [loved the look, but didn't see where the idea came from], now I do. It was absolutely beautiful, we took more pictures...but you know...I don't have them on this computer.
I swear I'm going to get my picture taking done and uploaded [I really need to do it cause I want to show you what I got from my SP8 Yarnnut!!!!]