Thursday, March 16, 2006

Not much knitting time

Well last night I thought I might be able to make good progress on the sleeve; but it was not to be. Hublet has been working on a deck railing project [one he will get paid for] for the last week and half. He is down to installing the upright rails and needed to cut 140 rails to size. Could I help? you know carry the wood back in forth?, stack the rails as they are cut? count the cuts make sure we are making enough? I am more than happy to help [but grumble, grumble, grumble....I won't get anywhere on the know at least back to where I ripped]; we got the boards cut -- took us until 9pm and burrrrr was it getting cold; down to freezing. Yes I know for most of the world that is no big deal ..... but we live in Southern California for a reason.....we are big babies! [and proud of it].

Nothing planned on the schedule this evening ..... so I am looking forward to making some serious progress. In my previous venture [before frogging] I had gotten to the point in the pattern where the increases for the curve in the sweater begin. That part looks like so much fun, watching the pattern come to life. I just realized that maybe you lucky readers have no idea what sweater I am talking about.

Here is the pattern as shown in Interweave
[free pattern for download]. I am part of a group
of knitters all working [or completed] on this sweater.
I am really enjoying this aspect of knitting because
everyone has had such nice insights to share as they
knit along.


Sarah at Advancing the Plot said...


I will try to explain putting the Sunrise KAL button up. Blogger makes it pretty easy.

First, save the button to your computer by right-clicking and save as.

Then using the function on blogger that allows you to drop a picture or other graphic into your post, add the button. To link it, select the button as it appears in your post, go to the button that looks like the planet Earth with a chain-link, click on it, and add the URL.

I hope that helps.

al said...

hey, what size needles are you using with your sierra aran? im using it in autumn maple (so pretty - i love this yarn!) and on 7s my row gauge is perfect but i'm getting about 20sts/4". I don't know what size jacket to make. I feel like I might have to order more yarn....

Jackie said...

Hey Mad Dog,
As you probably saw over at the knitalong, I've had to rip out my whole sleeve too. I'm starting my re-knit -- how is yours coming?